– Garel, E., Huneau, F., Le Coustumer, P., Stoll, S., Negrete, A., Leydier, T., Santoni, S., 2024. Groundwater contamination and ecosystem response in corsican micro-Estuaries: Seasonal influences and human activity, in: World Groundwater Congress – International Association of Hydrogeologists. 8-13 September 2024, Davos, Switzerland.
– Guerin, A., Santoni, S., Garel, E., Huneau, F., 2024. Groundwater interactions and conservation strategies for Mediterranean temporary ponds, in: World Groundwater Congress – International Association of Hydrogeologists. 8-13 September 2024, Davos, Switzerland.
– Guerin, A., Santoni, S., Garel, E., Huneau, F., 2024. Isotope and geochemistry hydrology to highlight groundwater contribution on hydroperiod of Mediterranean temporary ponds, in: World Groundwater Congress – International Association of Hydrogeologists. 8-13 September 2024, Davos, Switzerland.
– Guisiano, P.-A., Santoni, S., Garel, E., Leydier, T., Huneau, F., 2024. Assessing the resilience of Mediterranean groundwater-dependent river systems by mean residence time of water, in: World Groundwater Congress – International Association of Hydrogeologists. 8-13 September 2024, Davos, Switzerland.
– Guisiano, P.-A., Santoni, S., Huneau, F., Garel, E., Leydier, T., 2024. Hydrogeological behavior of Mediterranean river systems during extreme drought: highlights from a multi-tracer approach, in: World Groundwater Congress – International Association of Hydrogeologists. 8-13 September 2024, Davos, Switzerland.
– Huneau, F., Garel, E., Santoni, S., 2024. Multi-isotope Tracing combined with Organic Compounds to Improve Pollution-sources Tracking of Groundwater in coastal regions of the Mediterranean, in: World Groundwater Congress – International Association of Hydrogeologists. 8-13 September 2024, Davos, Switzerland.
– Leydier, T., Bassil, J., Garel, E., Santoni, S., Huneau, F., 2024. How do groundwater – surface water interactions contribute to diffusion of mining pollution legacies over Mediterranean watersheds? – the case of the abandoned arsenic mine of Matra (Corsica, France), in: World Groundwater Congress – International Association of Hydrogeologists. 8-13 September 2024, Davos, Switzerland.
– Leydier, T., Garel, E., Santoni, S., Pietri-Orsini, S., Ghiotti, S., Pasqualini, V., Huneau, F., 2024. Emerging organic contaminants and isotope indicators as tracers of surface water-groundwater connectivity in coastal Mediterranean lagoons systems – the case of the “Etang de l’Or” lagoon (Languedoc coast, France), in: World Groundwater Congress – International Association of Hydrogeologists. 8-13 September 2024, Davos, Switzerland.
– Santoni, S., Guerin, A., Garel, E., Pasqualini, V., Huneau, F., 2024. The PaoliBoat® software: a fast and simple tool for a 2D/3D vision of any in situ time-stamped geo-localized data. Application to groundwater-dependent wetlands, in: World Groundwater Congress – International Association of Hydrogeologists. 8-13 September 2024, Davos, Switzerland.
– SCHUBERT C., VAN GELDERN R., JUHLKE T.R., BARTH J., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., SANTONI S. (2023) : The unusual carbon cycle budget of the Gravona (Corsica), a small stream in a mountain silicate terrain. Annual meeting of the German Association for Stable Isotope Research (GASIR), 27-29 September 2023, University of Bayreuth, Germany.
– SANTONI S., GAREL E., GILLON M., BABIC M., SPANGENBERG J., BOMOU B., SEBAG D., ADATTE T., van GELDERN R., PASQUALINI V., HUNEAU F. (2023) : Isotope geochemistry disentangles interactions between water and carbon cycle in Mediterranean peatland. The 50th International Association of Hydrogeologists Conference, 2023, September 18-22, Cape Town, South Africa.
– HUNEAU F., NLEND B., GAREL E., LEYDIER T., MATTEI A., SANTONI S. (2023) : Precipitation isoscapes in areas with complex topography and input function to aquifers: Case of Corsica Island (France). The 50th International Association of Hydrogeologists Conference, 2023, September 18-22, Cape Town, South Africa.
– NLEND B., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., LEYDIER T., SANTONI S., MATTEI A. (2023) : An isotopic study of groundwater response to rainfall input in different geological and geomorphological contexts; consequences for long-term aquifers sustainability in the Mediterranean region. The 50th International Association of Hydrogeologists Conference, 2023, September 18-22, Cape Town, South Africa.
– GUERIN A., SANTONI S., HUNEAU F., GAREL E. (2023) : Isotope hydrology and geochemistry disentangle the role of surface and groundwater on hydroperiod timing of Mediterranean temporary ponds and their vulnerability to global change. The 50th International Association of Hydrogeologists Conference, 2023, September 18-22, Cape Town, South Africa.
– ETES E., SANTONI S., GAREL E., HUGUET A., KURTULUS B., PASQUALINI V., HUNEAU F. (2023) : Dissolved organic matter survey in Mediterranean coastal groundwater-dependent ecosystems from remote sensing and in situ data. The 50th International Association of Hydrogeologists Conference, 2023, September 18-22, Cape Town, South Africa.
– GAREL E., BASSIL J., DALLAN J., LEYDIER T., SANTONI S., HUNEAU F. (2023) : A participatory approach towards an improved ownership of groundwater and associated environmental benefits at local and regional. The 50th International Association of Hydrogeologists Conference, 2023, September 18-22, Cape Town, South Africa.
– HUNEAU F., NLEND B., GAREL E., SANTONI S., MATTEI A. (2023) : Precipitation isoscapes in areas with complex topography : case of Corsica Island (France). International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology: Sustainable Water Resources in a Changing World, IAEA. Vienna, Austria, 3–7 July 2023.
– SANTONI S., GAREL E., HUNEAU F. (2023) : Mediterranean peatland hydrogeology and carbon balance revealed by isotope geochemistry. International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology: Sustainable Water Resources in a Changing World, IAEA. Vienna, Austria, 3–7 July 2023.
– GUERIN A., SANTONI S., GAREL E., HUNEAU F. (2023) : Isotope hydrology reveals the role and seasonality of groundwater inputs to small Mediterranean coastal lagoons. International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology: Sustainable Water Resources in a Changing World, IAEA. Vienna, Austria, 3–7 July 2023.
– SCHUBERT C., GAREL E., HUNEAU F., VAN GELDERN R., SANTONI S., JUHLKE T., BARTH J (2023) : An unusual carbon cycle budget of a small stream in a mountain silicate terrain: the case of the Gravona River (Corsica). International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology: Sustainable Water Resources in a Changing World, IAEA. Vienna, Austria, 3–7 July 2023.
– HUNEAU F., NLEND B., GAREL E., SANTONI S., MATTEI A. (2023) : Precipitation isoscapes in areas with complex topography and Mediterranean conditions: Influence of large-scale atmospheric dynamics versus microclimatic phenomena. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5718, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5718
– GUISIANO P.A., SANTONI S., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., MATTEI A. (2023) : Importance of baseflow contribution in mountainous Mediterranean watersheds highlighted by geochemical and isotope tracers. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6734, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6734
– VYSTAVNA Y., MILLER J., OUEDRAOGO I., MATIATOS I., AMAXIDIS G., ROMANELLI A., DIADIN D., VIAROLI S., VITVAR T., POH S.C., ZAMBRANO J.L., WONG W.W., VADILLO I., RE V., CHAVANNE L., HUNEAU F., BUTT S., NGO BOUM S., HEIDERSCHNEIDT E., ROSSI P. (2023) : Multi-tracer approach for understanding emerging pollutants sources and behavior in aquatic systems to support national and transboundary water management. UNESCO-IWA online conference on "Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment”, 17-19 January 2023.
– ESPOSITO A., QUILICHINI Y., FOATA J., FILIPPI J.J., DURIEUX E. (2022) : Les anguilles des lagunes de Corse face à des parasites invasifs, 5ième Journées Internationales de Limnologie et d’Océanographie (JILO), 10-13 octobre 2022, Corte, France.
– SANTONI S., GAREL E., GILLON M., BABIC M., SPANGENBERG J.E., BOMOU B., SEBAG D., ADATTE T., VAN GELDERN R., PASQUALINI V., MATTEI A., HUNEAU F. (2022) : Isotope geochemistry reveals the role of groundwater in CO2 production and carbon storage in Mediterranean peatlands. Case of the Moltifau peatland (Corsica Island, France). 2nd meeting of the Czech Society for Stable Isotopes (CSSI 2022), December 14-16th, Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic.
– GUERIN A., SANTONI S., GAREL E., HUNEAU F., MATTEI A., PASQUALINI V. (2022) : Etude du fonctionnement hydrogéologique de petites lagunes méditerranéennes : apports de la cartographie physico-chimique et des outils isotopiques. 5ième Journées Internationales de Limnologie et d’Océanographie (JILO), 10-13 octobre 2022, Corte, France.
– CRAYOL E., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., SANTONI S., PASQUALINI V. (2022) : Les polluants émergents présents dans les eaux souterraines comme traceurs des flux d’anthropisation vers de petits hydrosystèmes lagunaires méditerranéens. 5ième Journées Internationales de Limnologie et d’Océanographie (JILO), 10-13 octobre 2022, Corte, France.
– MATTEI A., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., SORBA L., ORSINI S., SANTONI S. (2022) : Utilisation des outils de l'hydrologie isotopique pour comprendre le fonctionnement des mares temporaires méditerranéennes et aider à développer des stratégies durables de gestion écohydrologique. 5ième Journées Internationales de Limnologie et d’Océanographie (JILO), 10-13 octobre 2022, Corte, France.
– GAREL E., DUFRESNE C., SANTONI S., HUNEAU F., MALET N. (2022) : Role of the riparian groundwater in a pristine Mediterranean micro-estuary catchment to quantify nutrient fluxes, IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2022, Montpellier, France, 29 May–3 Jun 2022, IAHS2022-646, 2022.
– CRAYOL E., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., MATTEI A., SANTONI S., PASQUALINI V. (2022) : Contaminants of emerging concerns in groundwater as tracers of antropization to small Mediterranean lagoons hydrosystems, IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2022, Montpellier, France, 29 May–3 Jun 2022, IAHS2022-444, 2022.
– HUNEAU F., GAREL E., SANTONI S., MATTEI A., TAFANI C., PASQUALINI V. (2022) : Impact of seasonal touristic activity on emerging contaminants of micro-estuaries and hydraulically connected water bodies in North-Western Corsica, IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2022, Montpellier, France, 29 May–3 Jun 2022, IAHS2022-497, 2022.
– CRAYOL E., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., RE V., MATTEI A., SANTONI S., PASQUALINI V. (2022) : Using socio-hydrogeology to identify pollutant fluxes toward groundwater within a highly anthropized coastal hydrosystem, IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2022, Montpellier, France, 29 May–3 Jun 2022, IAHS2022-443, 2022.
– MATTEI A., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., SORBA L., SANTONI S., ORSINI S. (2022) : Isotope hydrology to insight the behaviour of Mediterranean Temporary Ponds: Implications on sustainable ecohydrological management strategies, IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2022, Montpellier, France, 29 May–3 Jun 2022, IAHS2022-411, 2022.
– GUISIANO P.-A., HUNEAU F., SANTONI S., GAREL E., MATTEI A. 2022) : From graphical methods to geochemical and isotope hydrology tools: Understanding baseflow mechanisms in mountainous Mediterranean watersheds, IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2022, Montpellier, France, 29 May–3 Jun 2022, IAHS2022-264, 2022.
– SANTONI S., GAREL E., HUNEAU F., GILLON M., BABIC M., MATTEI A. (2022) : How can geochemistry and isotope hydrology tools tell us about alluvial groundwater-wetlands interactions and subsequent carbon balance? Case of the Moltifau Mediterranean peatland (Corsica Island, France), IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2022, Montpellier, France, 29 May–3 Jun 2022, IAHS2022-261, 2022.
– CRAYOL E., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., RE V., MATTEI A., SANTONI S., PASQUALINI V. (2022) : Socio-hydrogeological approach to identify contaminant fluxes towards groundwater-dependent hydrosystems, case of the Biguglia lagoon (Corsica, France), EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3412. [ 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3412, 2022 ]
– LAZAR H., KACIMI I., VALLES V., GRANDJEAN P., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., YAMEOGO S., OUARDI J. (2022) : Zonation des masses d’eaux souterraines en Corse (France) à partir des caractéristiques bactériologiques et physicochimiques. International Conference “Groundwater, key to the Sustainable Development Goals”. Paris, May 18-20th, 2022.
– CRAYOL E., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., RE V., MATTEI A., SANTONI S., PASQUALINI V. (2022) : Socio-hydrogeological approach to identify pollutant fluxes on a highly anthropized coastal groundwater dependent ecosystem. International Conference “Groundwater, key to the Sustainable Development Goals”. Paris, May 18-20th, 2022.
– CRAYOL E., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., MATTEI A., SANTONI S. (2021) : Fonctionnement hydrogéologique des systèmes lagunaires méditerranéens et anthropisation des territoires, exemples du Sud de la Corse. 27e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, RST-2021, 01-05 novembre 2021, Lyon, France.
– DEFAYE B., MOUTAILLER S., GRECH ANGELINI S., FERRANDI S., GALON C., PASQUALINI V., QUILICHINI Y. (2021) : Tick and tick-borne pathogens detected on cattle in Corsican Wetlands. 14th Symposium on tick and Tick-borne Diseases, 24-26 mars 2021, digital symposium.
– NLEND B., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., SANTONI S., MATTEI A. (2021) : Diversité fonctionnelle des mécanismes de recharge des aquifères méditerranéens : mise en évidence par les isotopes stables de l’eau sur un territoire à la géologie et à l’hydroclimatologie hyper-contrastées (Corse, France). 27e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, RST-2021, 01-05 novembre 2021, Lyon, France.
– NLEND B. HUNEAU F., GAREL E., SANTONI S., MATTEI A. (2021) : Cartographie de la signature isotopique (ISOSCAPE) des pluies en Corse (Méditérannée occidentale) : implications sur la connaissance des mécanismes climatiques à diverses échelles. 27e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, RST-2021, 01-05 novembre 2021, Lyon, France.
– CRAYOL E., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., RE V., MATTEI A., SANTONI S., PASQUALINI V. (2021) : Socio-hydrogeological approach for the identification of polluant fluxes towards Mediterranean lagoon hydrosystems. Séminaire annuel du LabEx DRIIHM, 6-8 septembre 2021, Toulouse, France.
– DUPUY M., GAREL E., LABASQUE T., CHATTON E., VERGNAUD V., AQUILINA L., SANTONI S., MATTEI A., HUNEAU F. (2021) : Dissolved gases monitoring to disclose regional hydrogeochemical interactions processes involved in mineral water genesis in non-active zone: the case of Corsica Island. Goldschmidt Conference 2021, 4-9 July 2021, Lyon, France, online.
– MATTEI A., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., SANTONI S., VYSTAVNA Y. (2021) : Basin-scale evaporation rate estimation based on isotopic approach: adaptation to the Mediterranean conditions. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2869. [ 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2869 ]
– MATTEI A., SORBA L., GAREL E., SANTONI S., ORSINI S., HUNEAU F. (2021) : Mediterranean Temporary Ponds: using isotope hydrology tools to describe and understand their behaviour. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2795, [ 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2795 ]
– DUPUY M., GAREL E., LABASQUE T., CHATTON E., VERGNAUD V., AQUILINA L., SANTONI S., MATTEI A., HUNEAU F. (2021) : Using natural gas emission monitoring to assess the hydrogeological mineral springs genesis in non-active zone: example from the Corsica Island. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4932, [ 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4932 ]
– ALBA A., BLIN Q., LEMMONIER L., VÁZQUEZ A.A., FOATA J., BOISSIER J., QUILICHINI Y. (2020) : Freshwater snails in the Mediterranean Island of Corsica (France): distribution and ecology of the family Lymnaeidae, vectors of fasciolosis. 86th Annual Meeting of the American Malacological Society, 13-14 July 2020 (Virtual Poster).
– EROSTATE M., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., PASQUALINI V. (2020) : Multi-method approach combining isotopic tracers, anthropogenic contaminants and mapping to retrace socio-environmental trajectories of groundwater-dependent coastal hydrosystems. EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria, 4-8 May 2020, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2020-18387. [10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-18387]
– EROSTATE M., GHIOTTI S., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., PASQUALINI V. (2020) : The transdisciplinary approach on coastal hydrogeosystems: tracing back socioenvironmental trajectories and water policies evolution to improve their management and adaptability. EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria, 4-8 May 2020, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2020-18425. [10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-18425]
– JUHLKE T., SÜLTENFUSS J., TRACHTE K., HUNEAU F., GAREL E., SANTONI S., BARTH J.A.C. VAN GELDERN R. (2020) : Combined event-based tritium and air mass back-trajectory analysis of Mediterranean precipitation events. EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria, 4-8 May 2020, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2020-8343. [10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-8343]
– KNERR I., TRACHTE K., GAREL E., HUNEAU F., SANTONI S., BENDIX J. (2020) : The influence of large-scale circulation patterns and boundary layer conditions on precipitation formation in Corsica. EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria, 4-8 May 2020, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2020-17787. [10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-17787]